Angleshooting in Forum Games

I’m defining how “spirit of the game” works in a practical manner.
I’m not arguing the validity of the system

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We have rules for a reason

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“Honor system” and “against the spirit of the game” are not rules, and they aren’t functionable. As we can clearly see, since noone was ever punished for a long time.

I agree.

I actually meant in the OP. Your scenario, I personally don’t see as angleshooting. I also didn’t issue a warning for it in that game.

me me small brain :upside_down_face:

i agree it didnt deserve a warning it was just semi-frustrating from my perspective

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I felt your pain. ^^ I also don’t like that line of scumhunting myself.

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Nah, there was a bad case of angleshooting that forced a re roll

it was RM1, Memesky was trying to get info out from the spectators (Pug if i remember correctly)

i had to send pics to Marl on what Memesky did

so yea, Angleshooting has caused some dmg in the past, and i do believe deserves to be an auto boot from the game, even a Modkill in some cases.

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Really depends on the violation. With this one it would be a no brainer yeah.

I got hit by a nasty case of angleshooting myself already, where someone angleshooted my whole scum team (was an Abyss SFoL).

Personally, I’d just like to see some more clarity with what does and doesn’t qualify as angleshooting – at this point I feel like Solic and Geyde are the only ones who actually know what will and won’t be ruled as such, and while obviously posting a comprehensive list of ways to angleshoot is a bad idea giving some form of definition or example so that people can actually figure out what they are and aren’t supposed to do would probably be a good idea.


I actually had already an in depth discussion about what Angleshooting is and what not. Would like to know how you would handle the situations he named me.


Going against the spirit of the game covers it nicely enough for me. :upside_down_face:

“Going against the spirit of the game”
What is this spirit? What exactly is it? Who knows what this spirit is? Solic and Geyde? The host? Someone else? The player who went against the spirit?

The Red Scare (1950s colorized)

See, that’s easy for an experienced person like you, who already knows the ins and outs of the forum, to say, but it’s not very helpful for newbies :upside_down_face:

I just know that I got already 8-10 times warned in FoL, and it’s riddiculous, since I never broke even once a rule.

I’ve made my point already.
I’m taking up the side that rules are objectively superior when making games to honor systems

This should be considered OGI.

For any of you that disagree that hosts being able to force replace and modkill for people using fair strategy or because you feel like it as it ‘ruins the spirit of the game’ apparently is acceptable then you can happily list that in your gamethreads.

Having it a global rule that people are completely unaware you’re having the game essentially bastard is not fair at all.
It’s only a matter of time before an uproar starts when something bad happens revolving around the meaning of this rule so I’d rather have the discussion start before this happens.

Explain to me why hosts being able to manipulate a GLOBAL rule to control players in their game without notice is acceptable.

It’s just an excuse to allow hosts the power to control who wins their game and gives bias. It also disallows perfectly viable strategy.

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There is of course necessity for a bit of wiggle room for hosts.
Long term punishments are better dealt with justice systems, but on the short term for a game, I think it’s at least reasonable for hosts to have some stuff they can do once a game has started

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