Angleshooting in Forum Games

Rules, especially global rules, need exact definition. There can be no way of misinterpretation to occur.
That just makes the rules void and a door for people to abuse it.

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Hosts should be able to interpret the rules a bit (especially in borderline cases), but yeah, punishing for nonwritten rules is totally unfair.


If I did end up making a massive fuckup in the rules that would ruin the game after it just started, there’s always the make-rule-change-during-the-game strat.
Just don’t punish people who broke rules that didn’t exist

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That actually sounds fair.

I agree that some basic examples could be helpful toward new folk, but that shouldn’t mean examples that would not be on such a list wouldn’t be angleshooting and there are definitely great reasons why certain methods should just not be on there period, as to not draw attention to their existence. It’d be good, but your implication of me or Geyde doing it (not sure if that was what you were implying), I’ll just say that I’m not doing it.

Let’s do an example.
Someone says: Hey, Arete posted pretty less in the last days, they are probably evil.
I’m answering: Nah, they have a school project rn, that’s probably why they are more inactive than normally.

Would saying that be angleshooting for you?


I have an amazing example of how the angleshooting rule can be abused but unfortunately due to circumstances I cannot post it now.

…oh I get it

if its not declared in thread its OGI

As you technically didn’t get it from in-game and used your knowledge of a person OOG it would fall under angleshooting for me personally

Why is Arete allowed to say that but their friend isn’t?
Are they just supposed to keep that to themselves?
What are they supposed to say when they try to defend Arete from being scumread for ‘lurking’?



it came from OUT OF GAME sources. If say

x and y were in a game together and x is less active, and is getting scum read for that. x tell y over discord they have been busy irl and y says that WITHOUT x saying it in thread. It would count as getting out of game infomation.

thats what i read the example as.

Now if it was like

x and y same set up but X said it in thread there wouldn’t be a problem as it was said in thread.

does that make sense?

its tough playing games with friends, as your still friends and talk and know whats going on in each others life. I just tend to easily seperate it all. I may love a man out of a game and send his ass packing in a game because its what was best for me

You cannot not speak with your friends, just because you are in a fol match with them. :eyes:
That’s why I define Angleshooting as “using information from the forum, but from outside the thread”

They’re being restricted from saying information they know. That is a problem. Nobody likes playing an underpowered Seer.
People pretending they don’t know information they do regardless of alignment is a problem in 99% of cases.
Their friend should be allowed to make that argument for Arete.

If being allowed to say it as yourself is allowed but another person isn’t is a problem. It should not be banned at all because again, it’s restricting information that anyone cannot use.

Loving how Arete has been dragged into this.

And yeah, why is Arete allowed to say “Hey I’m on my finals”, while I can’t defend them saying the same thing?

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This is usually why V/LA is a thing

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dude, OGI and angleshooting are synonyms

No they aren’t. Explain to me how banning talking about when a bleed happens is at all Outside of Game Influence.

Because in FM land everything takes place within a single hypotheticla day in which everybody is theoretically awake at all times. You’re exploiting the fact that FM is not the thing it simulates by doing that, and detracting from part of the fun of the game.

My definition of angleshooting is any way of getting information that’s not in the spirit of the game. Reading post times and comparing them to vig times is an example of that.

also it’s bullshit and nobody likes having to delay actions to happen while they’re offline because otherwise everybody will screech at them

Oh my god this spirit of the game definition again

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