Angleshooting in Forum Games

I would always look at who was posting when I got bled…

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I would originally interpret that as finding holes in a setup and using the mechanics to my advantage.

So you, as a top tier host, wouldn’t punish a lower tier host for something that you feel is wrong, just because they feel it was right?

good setups don’t have holes
finding holes in setup isn’t fun

That doesn’t change the fact that rule is so open to interpretation it’s abusable.

I have no way to punish “lower tier hosts”. We have tiers now? XD I will give my opinion on why I believe it would be wrong yes.

The spirit of the game is as if we were playing an IRL game of werewolf. Angleshooting is the same as hearing the rustling of somebody’s clothing at night and pointing this out to everybody to prove they’re a werewolf.

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im top tier because all my setups have the potential to devolve into haiku-based bullshit

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Host Tier List
This is both blessed and cursed

But… THIS IS ALLOWED in werewolf.

My favorite rule is rule *

*For emergencies, seek a moderator in Discord.

As I can never follow it again.

Why is there such gaps in the rules that hosts can argue on whether or not a punishment was right on GLOBAL rules. GLOBAL.

i don’t know what kind of werewolf games you’ve been playing but it definitely isn’t

:wave: Am I not moderator enough for you :frowning:

That’s why we always make noices, as every class. Because we know this is a thing.

This is exactly the same as angleshooting rules, isn’t it? It’s not a question of mechanics, it’s a question of honour.

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But I dont care at all about honor. I’ll play as honorless as I want.
I only care about rules and if they are broken or not.

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i’m not going debate with you but the fundamental nature of society disagrees with you

Start defining scenarios in which this would and wouldn’t cover it until you have a spectrum of goalposts in which to judge. Or clear up your terms. For example, I could make your words mean this:

Going against the Ghost of the hunt.

Technically the same thing, and it’s more clearer, but it isn’t helpful.

You would be using an out of game conversation to justify an alignment in game. Other players don’t have access to your out of game conversation, thus it’s not fair, so yes you’d just shut up about your friend. They can defend themselves or ping them or find another reason why they would be town. Just don’t use resources that aren’t available to everyone and make an argument based on that. That it is still within your own mind isn’t something that a host can act upon and unavoidable if you know the person playing, so that can never be punished.

In Clash of Cults, I actually had a game integrity breach of this happening that revealed the presence of a Priest, so yes it can fuck with game balance. It wasn’t severe enough to require heavy action however.