[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

too late now my dude


can these abilities be used at day

namely hero

Yeah, if any king tries to execute you during the day, king dies.

does this last until a king tries to execute one of us

also would hero survive the execution


this concerns me because the fact that you went along with it so quickly without even giving it thought makes me think there won’t be another kingmaker


alright sulit
let’s go with the basic plan
/convert luxy
give luxy the vest

Eevee what would happen if two cults tried to convert the same person

/vest Luxy

Also if I Arms Deal say, Arete, and vest Luxy, which would I be seen visiting by a Watcher?


Both would work.

Wait so one person would be in

two cults

ok that’s trippy

I mean…

This is holding truth.

Cult is a faction, not a neutral, so can be converted.


@Italy Luxy wannabe