[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

but rolecopping jgoes sounds good to me

boss backed up my claim


dew it

Out of curiosity how much of the game have y’all actually read?

/rolecop jgoes

very little ?

few thousand posts

skim vs read

how are we winning this game

if i feel like it’s too far ahead i’ll just skip but i’ve still read a good bit
reading the game doesn’t even do much thanks to my poor memory

Ill do you one even better. I’ll give you the entire Rolecard. Here you go


that’s an excellent question
nobody has questioned how my BPV giver claim perfectly lines up with ici’s flip


we are


im dead

my pride is gone


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I am a good_fm_player_TM

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i have no idea who we rolecop then
derps might actually be executed over wazza

People are going to read this chat

and see that

and just


i guess we should just use it on wazza to make sure he’s not faking vanilla as villager?


why would we do that