[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Also, why did you give Venus a readlist but refuse to give me anything?

This is pinging me as iffy. It’s like you want to push a mislynch on me, but dont want to be held accountable afterwards

The fuck is the reads list

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This looks like you just randomly threw names of people into a list and called it a reads list

I really do not love that shallow is not posting.

I have a mafia lean on shallow, but I cannot get more or less, as they have not actually been making game-relevant posts.

Same with Babylon. This is very disappointing.

I agree with Paparazzi about Replay’s comment being iffy.

/vote Shallow


@Shallow come post please

Why is this thread so dead?

@Shallow I’m pretty sure your name wasn’t meant to be a posting restriction

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We’re kinda just waiting for people to get on.

And they’re not getting on.

It’s my birthday today so that’s why I’m not really around will try to be better D2 sorry guys

Happy birthday!


You’ve at least given me something to read your slot with.

Gonna give it 4 more hours or so then I’ll leave a vote in case I sleep too long to get back later

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Reminder that giving information that directly relates to your identity is an alt integrity violation, which I’m going to start imposing our policy of free refunds. This includes using this information to your advantage. Thank you.


I have a bit of free time if anyone has any questions for me

Enigma also wonders about this list, seems very random.

Yeah I would love more thought and reasons from @Replay eventually

You and LoveGame are Enigmas top townreads.