[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I enjoy ketchup

Either Telephone bigbrained yesterday and treated Shallow like deadweight or they just arenā€™t scum together. Thatā€™s all I can physically see and I hate how Iā€™m coming to my senses on my read.

Iā€™m getting contradictory with myself now. Ugh, Iā€™m going to re-evaluate tomorrow when I wake up.


Why would Replay vote Venus

Why would replay do anything theyā€™ve done this game

As either alignment lmao


Meh I feel kinda weird

Venus/Replay was the scumteam I had reading up

They annoyed me yesterday when they were trying to cause a lynch on me, I thought I unvoted, guess not.

Is spite voting the thing you shouldve been doing when wagons were like


Goodnight, for real. If you have any questions for me ping me, Iā€™m going to re-evaluate everything tomorrow since I feel like Iā€™ve just been spiting people in annoyance for how theyā€™ve been acting towards me and using them as reads my whole game.

The wagons were fine. The lynch was looking like Shallow yesterday and I was fine with that.

You guys CFDā€™d to Paparazzi, my top townread at the time.

Enigma youā€™re trying to reason with a brick wall

Iā€™m still going to talk to him

Itā€™s hard to not vote you the more you become a dick.

Iā€™m willing to throw the game and vote you and if the game ends idc, I just want to spite you right now so badly.

Then ask something before I go to sleep and not bother with this.

looking back

no go to sleep

just you better make a good case tomorrow

I disappeared after this post. Looked entirely like Shallow was the lynch. Instead Shallow and Enigma caused a CFD togetherā€¦

Looking back on this. The scumteam is looking less Shallow/Telephone and more Shallow/Enigma.

@Enigma why did you help cause a CFD with the main suspect in everyoneā€™s eyes?