[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I lied

I fucking lied this is ISO number 13

I’ll try and see if Venus and Telephone are actively trying to find town or if they are just pushing scum

1 SR
2 TRs

Paparazzi SR
Shallow TR
Enigma TR

Telephone TR

Applause TR

Shallow POE = SL?

Why is Telephone so low
Why is Paparazzi so high

Why is your bottom person someone you’ve expressed 0 feelings whatsoever about

Why is this what you think about his slot

So you still SR

Why is he above Shallow and Replay whom you’ve expressed nothing about

Does this make Replay townier than Paparazzi whose read is like very high level?

Why do you cared so little about the slot

Babylon SR

Paparazzi SR

Less SR

You’re so hedgy and like, idk it’s so weird

Why is he so low in your list then

Enigma TR (yeah I know I’m calling myself by the 3rd person)

Idk they don’t care enough about the list but

If you lynch bottom 2 no scum

And if it’s scum you world

You lynch bottom 4 and no scum

So this

Probably doesn’t result in this normally

Applause TR

Note that Applause couldve been rolecoped by now since we know Rolecop is still alive

Feels like you TR him

Paparazzi placement kinda weird seeing your lack of evolution on the slot

This post in the entirety probably makes me think you’d SR him and actively vote him

You never vote the top SR of yours which also flipped scum

Also you yell at him for Mafia Theory most of the time


It’s still Mafia Theory I feel

Also you still dont vote him

You’re kinda letting yourself get convinced

You’re kinda drawing attention away from replay after all that

Again that’s everyone but the one dead scum

idk how you manage to convince yourself that but then dont ever re evaluate d3

Really feels like you’re attempting to pocket me

Ok be back later for another good iso

Quick read telephone ISO

I can’t bring myself to think his early game is scum

Imma play over the day again to see what the thought process is

So as town your goal is to get Telephone killed over me because you know it’s not likely for me to be scum UNLESS i’m slowrolling which like

if im slowrolling lol

like there you don’t feel genuine anger

This proves I’m town but

That’s pretty obvious anyway so

He tried now look

The hammer emoji

Really makes me believe this is done on purpose

But he didn’t

He made a post like 3 minutes after my unvote

Well no because he’d have quickhammered

I actually back then made a mistake and had to like, add an emoji or something idr exactly but he had a timeframe to “win” the game its not like my unvote is made instantly

Their goal was to spew you as town I fear

Scum just has to get a mislynch

I’m not a fan of the idea of slowrolling but I really see this as him just going hrthirogiohigsfhio and then trying to make you look better since like

I thought you were scum
Telephone thought you were scum
Shallow was thunderdomed

You had to do something

That’s not something he made up on the slot, he SR’d him really early on

But is it scum or is it an impatient townie who knows you’re scum

Replay didn’t even try to snipe

like if you try and snipe

You don’t put that hammer emoji you just instant ctrl c ctrl v the vote

It’s more of a

“I knew you were lurking” than a

“I pinged you in scumchat and I know ure here”


So you think it’s scum theatrics

but okay here’s something

You SR Replay but you never vote him

Telephone SRs Replay, he actively votes

Because, it’d just spew him as obvious scum if he pushed outside the thunderdome

But that’s more of a scum looking for a mislynch from Shallow/Me/Telephone than a world where they do this with their scummate

I’m done falling for AtE

Like yeah you have emotions

You don’t treat me like this

I tried many times to give you a chance

A key to get away

But you kept on doing things that made it worse

But I’ve done that

I still think you’re scum

Well next time you put conclusions at the end of your ISOs, you re eval slots and you vote your SRs

You didn’t

You were stuck on Shallow and shut me down when I used my reasoning to indicate he was town because of Cop claiming in an impossible setup

You never listened

That’s not an excuse

Well you shouldve re evaled if you’re town

You certainly didnt try to re eval

What you’re doing is trying to convince me you’re not scum

rather than anything else

But you can’t just match my arguments

I’m never getting you to self vote

So I’m trying to get more stuff

Shouldve typed out a conclusion then

What is that

You’re at lylo and you’re not voicing opinion on every slot and just decided to conclude 2 townies were the scum team

While never evaluating Replay/Telephone


You keep on saying that but you still havent done anything thatd make me go

oh this is town posting not scum about to lose

You re evaled him day 2 into giving up on the slot

He was scum, you never even applied pressure with a vote

“I didn’t say my read on them because I didn’t feel like doing it”

I mean come on

All I see is you trying to ML with a poe of the 2 remaining townies


@Enigma you still exist

still am

Are we ready to make a final decision?

Tonight since I’m gonna sleep lol

@ me when you’re up Enigma (I’ll Probabaly be at work, but

I sorted it in tiers, top is top town, middle is light town, bottom is null/scumread.

Because their only thoughts really were SvS and they hadn’t done much. Whenever they came into the thread is was just to really answer questions they didn’t really do much else.

I thought it was absurd that a scum would pop into the thread saying they thought the game was 3v6, I still scumread them but I was contemplating whether or not they would actually do that as scum.

Again, tier.


What do you mean???

What do you mean hedgy I brought up two points. I thought a couple things they did was scummy and a couple things were towny. They were still weird for me but I didn’t want to lynch them over other people. How hard is that to understand.

Haven’t payed much attention doesn’t mean I have no read on them?? The list was POE.

What do you mean???

So you’re interpretting my townread as I rolecopped them??? What the actual fuck???

I was questioning their read because they never pushed me despite saying I was their top scumread.


I did vote him I’m pretty sure??? And I did scumread him!

If I didn’t vote him that was a mistake :man_shrugging:

That’s what he was arguing??? What am I supposed to respond with, just quoting things that aren’t him arguing he doesn’t want to make reads???


I’m considering other slots???

Do you want me to just tunnel Replay the whole day??

Because the D1 EOD. Bruh.

What do you mean??? I’ve already been fucking through this. I ISOed everyone and thought you and Shallow were the most likely team. I thought Replay pushing the I can’t read people argument came from town more often than scum.

bruh I was happy someone that would actually actively post replaced in.

“good iso”



I’m not angry I’m worried you’re going to fucking quick hammer me without even letting me do anything

“Pretty obvious anyway” I just wanted to make it clear??? Why does saying this even make me scum??

It’s literally performative. Scum gloating. Haha I hammered town. We win.

He missed it?? Like I don’t know what else to argue here there’s literally no way to prove either way. You using it to push me is just dumb. Like

Replay voted me. With a hammer emoji. When he thought I was at two votes.

“Well no because he’d have quickhammered.”

It was a mistake?? He didn’t see the unvote? Like


What the fuck do you mean. They were buddying with me the whole goddamn time. Telephone WAS PUSHING REPLAY/VENUS BEFORE REPLAY WAS EVEN HAMMERED. I’M THE OBVIOUS MISLYNCH.

Plan b.

Plan a - I get mislynched.

Plan b - Telephone busses Replay. Replay gets lynched. Replay tries to spew me as their partner. I get lynched. Telephone and Replay win.

He never explains it and goes on about how its so fucking obvious but never explains why.

He was doing it last day too?!

He’s done absolutely nothing to support his position or hardpushing that he did yesterday.


Again why???

I forgot to vote them??

Like, read Replay’s telephone read. I think it’s just TMI that Telephone is pocketing me.

No it wouldn’t???
He never actually argues that Telephone is scum.

I’ve ISOed Telephone. I made the post at start of day. I’ve tried to be here and respond to you as much as possible.

And you’re just saying I don’t fucking care.


I’m sorry I’m getting fucking upset that I’m going to be mislynched and lose the game just because you’re tunneling me???

You haven’t.

You’re just fucking telling me what I should have done now LOL. Like I’m sorry I forgot to? I’m sorry I fucking suck at FM? What do you want from me?

I didn’t get it!

I tried okay? I was wrong, but saying I didn’t reeval was dumb. I showed why I thought it was you/shallow aand you saying I just never listened and tunneling you guys is insulting.

What I should have done. What I should have done. What I should have done.

Actually fucking bullshit.

I just made and ISO on Telephone. At SOD I typed up a whole post on why they’re scum and then I did it again.

I might just fucking self vote this is actually terrible.


I ISOed both! I just didn’t type up anything about it. I thought you and Shallow were the most likely team so I looked there instead???

What the hell do you want from me I’m fucking trying. Maybe if you actually read what I’m saying about Telephone. Wait no. I’m scum ):

Telephone has done absolutely NOTHING but yell at you just to vote me and you’re yelling at me for not doing enough and for not posting anything that would make me town.

I forgot to vote! I pushed them? What do you want me to say here lmao. I can’t go back to D2 and magically vote them for you???

That’s not what I fucking said. I ISOed Replay, thought they were scummy, and pushed them. I also ISOed Applause and Telephone, didn’t find anything new, still thought they were both town, so I didn’t post anything???

I’ve posted two things on why Telephone is scum. I’ve argued with you literally the whole phase and you’re still tunneling me anyways. You’ve done absolutely no analysis of your own on Telephone and have been tunneling me all day. I’ve extremely tired of this, I’ve explained why Telephone as scum, I’m sorry I didn’t do the things you think I should have done.

Everything I have done is going to be a waste of my time when you hammer me anyways.

Telephone hasn’t even properly responded to my case on him because he knows I’m right. His literal only arguement is

Because I don’t feel like arguing with the conf scum


How long you sleeping for

Am awake

I’ll vote tonight just

let me make a final post and see what happens

I would talk but like

Breaks got a min left

Reaction to an impossible claim

Interactions where only you and Replay are in thread

This is like, several posts in a row where you don’t really acknowledge Replay’s existence in thread? No questions nothing?

He says this and

You think that of him

Okay so this is a thing

It’s like a slightly better look but it’s one interaction eh

His spew is so random

He just wants Shallow gone to win

Man, I really don’t understand

It’s like even

Wait I think his evolution is this is sus iirc

I think this is a townie thought, scum Telephone wouldn’t drop Shallow if it was TvS

Shallow vote



He also wants people to quickvote

Wait does he ever speak to Telephone

Angry at me

Angry at Venus

I really think he’s town because scum him wouldn’t slowroll he would just

vote shallow?

He calls everyone but Venus/X

Scum wouldn’t be like that with their scummate

Your reasoning is legit

I think TMI’ing Telephone town

and then you go with “I’ll look at Enigma and then do x”

but then

The order replay is in

Why is Me/Replay higher than Telephone/Shallow when you said you thought it was always me/Shallow

like what

Also Replay/X is always the lowest

I still he’s too honest to be like scum hoping for town to show up

Your eval is so


He still managed to wait

This quote is for postgame :^)

I really struggle to see scum replay not OMGUSing the frick out of Venus if they are town

Too deadset on scum

Never answers

You push agenda really hard

What is this also

idk your attitude could be townie

but then you just ehh

this tilts me

this sounds so angry lol

I have way more stuff agaisnt you than Telephone

I’ve read lots

I’m pretty sure it’s Venus scum

i was listing possible teams

telephone does


why is that agenda over me genuinely trying to solve???
