[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

my wim for this is just gone

i’ve been arguing with you all goddamn day

telephone has done nothing

he didn’t even evaluate anything in lylo

hardpushed me/replay for almost no reason

has just been trying to get you to quick hammer me all day

i pointed out why he was scummy earlier

im half convinced you just didn’t read it

im just done



sorry town,

i tried


here we go again

you’re trying too hard to match my arguments


ill just ignore them, roll over, and let you hammer me then


But he had way more than you to begin with

If he’s scum then he has been setting up for a bus all game long

and is slowrolling

You’re thunderdomed

He starts up as way townier than you to me because, you’ve been on the wrong side and you’ve done things that I don’t believe you’d do as town, Your attitude towards Replay either means you are scum or you were way too deep in your theory

I did

That’s the issue

telephone’s attitude here never comes from town, by the way.

they’ve put in no effort to help solve and have just been telling you to vote me the whole phase

not to mention last phase they just hardpushed me/replay, without any reasoning like i pointed out.

their overconfidence especially last phase is extremely scummy

and their refusal to do anything regarding my slot because “they aren’t arguing with conf scum” is also extremely scummy.

but yeah

im very much so tired of this

i got very upset last night and got little sleep and have been stressing out over this all day


im out i guess

That’s because you’re tunderdomed though

We’re at a point where it’s multiple slots which make you look worse

I know some of my arguments are incorrect no matter your flip stuff like theorizing who you rolecopped probably does nothing but

Like his attitude is so straightforward if he’s scum

yeah im probably an idiot but

he did a good job playing on an alt and it probably means he has been playing for f3 the entire game so like

I dunno

I tried to reeval reread a dozen of time

Maybe there’s something overly weird I’m missing and I’m suffering from extreme confirmation bias

I’m gonna do another full reread of his slot and I’ll see

I still believe you’re scum

This is just TMI with Telephone as their scummate.

Telephone was trying to pocket me, if you read the thread you can see them buddying and faking mindmelds. They also TMI that we are scum/town.

Is LoveGame getting mad at me in dead chat

hi lovegame dont get too mad please


you’re wrong

dunno what else to say

But this exists too

I just explained to you why the Telephone read is tmi and there is evidence in the thread of it.

This fits you regarding yesterday

He pre flips you as town over something that never happens

That’s like wrong though


Voted Voter Count
Venus Telephone 1/2
Telephone Venus 1/2
Not Voting Enigma 1/3

telephone was pushing the replay/venus thing since d3

replay was trying to set me up at their partner

i am their designated mislynch today

i have shown quotes for this

Their goal couldve been to spew you as town though which is my bigger issue

My bigger issue is

That doesn’t sound like something you’d just not say as town aware of being setup as ML

Maybe I suffer from extreme confirmation bias

and if so I’m sorry but I still don’t see how the spew can be interpreted either way knowing he cared about getting a ML until the very end

He self votes for less spew I feel

If you’re town it’s just like a big series of misfortune but I see way less things that make him scummy compared to you like what

  • His scummate could have showed TMI in a read
  • He doesn’t want to talk to the other side of the Thunderdome in f3
  • His whole game he has tried to spew you as scum for f3?

Like did he think you’d stay alive until the very end, his gameplan doesn’t really work if we like, switch you and me you know?