[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

If everything he has done so far

is in order to actually spew you as scum in f3 mad respect

but I don’t really see it?

Hi I just got off work


Anything you need from me

Okay, can you make like 1 post, it’s totally useless from your pov but why do you think Venus is scum and what did they do this game

I just wanna see

(Don’t use thunderdome just like actual arguments)

Haha thunderdome

Anywho I assume you mean like an ISO


ye i guess

I just got home so if you give me a but ill do it, would you be fine if I just chose one day to focus on tho? I struggle with sitting down long enough Iet through an ISO

ok do day 1 and early day 3


tone in his opener felt really stiff and forced. pointing out they liked shallow at the start of the game (im not looking at full progression to see if this made sense but like just thought I would note it)

his Enigma read feels forced

Gets pretty heated about a (at least I think) obvious joke//RVS vote which felt forced

In the next post they decide its reasonable and call me town???


This is probably NAI but I just wanted to point out that you were wrong

this is the first big thing I noticed

this was such a fucking bad reaction to a vote

as of post #123 I’m noticing venus asks a lot of questions but doesn’t seem to go anywhere with them or make any kind of follow up

just asks

hedgy post on the later D1 lynch to shade them

Iv stopped actually reading and comprehending think imma move onto D3 now <3

where is your analysis?

then don’t ask other people to do it. lol

Venus in his head: replay please don’t fucking thunderdome yourself please

adamant shallow scum

he claims he saw my point but he seemed sure shallow was scum as soon as he got thunderdomed so

he spend like the first 1/4 of lylo shouting not to snap vote, which I’m thinking was to just look productive?

quotes vcs but does nothing

does something with this ISO, but its one of his scumreads

thanks for this

the two ISOs on not his scumreads are legit just empty quotes

this is legit just to look more productive than you are

okay I’m done now


is this enough for you?

I like it

@Venus come here

im busy


What I dislike the most about Venus that you quoted

The fact those 3 reads exist together, Paparazzi being a much stronger read meanwhile I’m entertaining

This reaction is just eh

This I’d like to see

After subbing in I noticed that Venus is one of the people behind the mislynch but their read seemed weird back then

This obviously

This is actually something I didn’t notice/think about

This point is weaker

This compared to the early game ISO is eh aswell

their wasn’t as much to analyze from the late game one

a lot of him saying not to snap vote

some eh ISOs

a lot of walls I didn’t read because fuck walls

anyways venus is busy so I doubt hes going to be on