Another GI Turbo - D3 Blue Dragon Win! [2/8]

Cheese who did you target

Amelia full claim please

I already claimed Watchman

Oh I’m smort

i think it’s sulit?

i visited marshal last night

thought they were killer so used fullblock + kill

however would only have worked if they attacked, so someone else visited them…

Remind me of your actions ?

n1 - protect you from kills
n2 - fullblock + kill marshal if he carries out a kill

N1 I stalked katze
They ended up not visiting
N2 I used Midnight Vigil on Marshal
I saw only Magnus visit so uh

Not you amelia

at this point amelia should have some juicy info tm


yeahhh goodbye

/vote Amelia

D2 I put a track on magnus
He left his room

/vote clonedcheese
Yeah this is a thunderdome so

not this again

I’m getting flashbacks

oh god oh fuck

ngl I forgot to assign a track D1

That is :eyes:


Amelia (1/2) - clonedcheese
clonedcheese (1/2) - Amelia

Cheese is also :eyes:


Cheese what class are you again