Apologies (Why does the title have to be 15 characters?)

It was a joke to make you freak out and me act like it was normal

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I sold my soul to Mafia Universe and somehow I’m slowly coming into terms with top tier play

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I’m about to sell my soul as well

Squids getting gud?? :clap: :clap:

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That’s right, bucko :wink:
No more Squid mislynches

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Says squid

No worries dude. Thanks for the free win I got in your absence

Insanity keep getting lynched D1, woo.

jon mafiauniverse and git gud :3

hi Marcus
do you remember SFoL 40?
basically at the end FK openwolfed and I became king
fun gaem

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You forgot to mention the part where I killed luxy with a 5% chance

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You forgot the part where Insanity takes the free win for no reason at all.

Then I would have to mention that I saved Luxy from your filthy scumry 4 times and that they should have stayed alive

best art

Then I would have to mention how you faked an anti Town neutral and got yourself shot by Celeste

You forgot the part where I vouched for Merc’s fake claim because I thought she was scum, but was actually Town


Then I would have to mention how it was because Shurian innocented a proven scum

Then I would have to mention I blame nerbins and that Town hung a good king

Then I would have to mention that…
Damn I can’t

Who are you again