Apologies (Why does the title have to be 15 characters?)

Who are you again?

basically that’s rude

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Choose your next words Wisely my son

Who is the best Slay the Spire character

Neow ofc

Who is Slay the Spire

Idk, but I hope The Spire enjoyed been slain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


don’t dodge my question son :^)

playable character*

I know you’re either a big defect or silent fan but Imma stick it out w/ my boi Ironclad. Also Geyde is your grandson from SFOL40 for sniping the prince immediately after openwolving

You’ve answered correctly
It’s Ironclad > Defect > Silent

Marcus will you play in infection 2?

I did a few runs with replay the spire and some of the fanmade card art is amazing, Hemogenesis is one that comes to mind

Probably not if it isn’t starting soon

Wdym by starting soon

Oy is SFOLGM canned or backqueued?

I haven’t modded it yet
trying to climb to ascension 20 with everyone before i do

If you are avalaible to host it now you can just start it

Er, I mean I’m taking a break from playing FM til at least december

if not i’ll either put it on the back of the queue or can it, whichever you want

Ooooh time to make a thread