Autumn Invitational - Day 4 (5/13) - Town Wins!

Weren’t you complaining about that


i never claimed to be fair, only a PR

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The scum!Hippo world feels too dumb for me to believe in it tho :eek:

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and i think this game is way simpler than you do currently

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aret sleep

see you at like 1 PM :upside_down_face:

Can’t blame you there



yall are just overcomplicating it and its geyde/hippo and the games gonna go to F5 before you losers kill hippo if i dont strongarm it now

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stop sleeping in until 3:30 AM and maybe you’ll get to talk to me :upside_down_face:

That’s correct

i am a parity cop with a difference check between vulgard and hippo gg ez :joy_cat:

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(it was a joke)

also no you aren’t lol

ye ik lel

wow i cant believe you saw through my very obvious fakeclaim given my real claim is even more obvious :joy_cat:


obviously orange is the true parity cop and that’s how he knows kat’s claim is fake :joy_cat:



actually im strongarming a massclaim later by hardclaiming when i wake up tomorrow glgl

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That’s how that works lol