[Balance Talk] Fixing Airlock, if possible

That makes absolutely no sense

Deaths from meteors at the very least should be random

you’re not overly biased because it’s your opinion
you are because the move affected your sleep schedule which you are pissed about

Yes, and I feel like players shouldn’t be pushed towards breaking their sleep schedule
I don’t think that’s an aim in the game
Do you not agree

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I have no clue, in the canon version of the game, what the computer decides randomly and what it decides intently

i should probs ask the devs about that

Would you be okay with a rand
i would not consider locking the attack to only ship-aligned players as that makes zero sense from a lore perspective

i would however consider randing it

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It still becomes a last throw of the dice choice for the ship without being one sided every time

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Randing it would be the fairest, I guess.
Because it’s still giving a higher chance to the losing side to recover; but it also doesn’t set the chance for the winning’s sides efforts to 0 and let people weaponise the host


Is predator broke with the ability to endlessly spam 2 kills per warp?

I think a lot of the roles are broken

because without ambassador + queen, or bio converts, you cannot win at the secret destination without informant. you also probably have no godfathers in that case unless you have sympath, since no converts.

granted, i’ve found that it’s relatively rare for the game to get to the secret destination

weaponizing and angleshooting the host’s decisions is a pretty big factor in winning, which is why it’s not really so frowned upon in games like botc and i guess by comparison, airlock

in the canon version of this game, the host is an AI is the thing

it also fears cats

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there’s obviously some kinds of angleshooting that are no but generally it’s a good idea to ask yourself “what would the host do”

for instance, i knew PKR was killed because aliens were in an absolutely horrible spot
and i was correct

Biologist is something that I wouldn’t say is unbalanced, but rather extremely swingy
If we’re going to completely overhaul the game for balance I’d say

  • Biologist needs a cap on infections
  • Biologist needs a cap on curing infections
  • Biologists’ results needs to be given at EoD rather than immediately
  • Galley Officer is fine actually
  • Science Officer is fine on paper
  • Comms Officer is fine, it’s last ability is limited enough that it’s a 50/50 if you’re lying
  • Medical Officer is a parity cop mixed with a Priest, I feel like it shouldn’t be able to revive + scan people all at the same time
  • Security seems fine
  • Engineer’s massive parity check needs a buff or complete overhaul. It’s really weak compared to Med Officer.
  • Navigator seems fine at a glance. I don’t like the idea of us winning at D3 (?) with a Nav convert, though
  • Technician’s anti-hack ability just seems overall useless. I’d like a rework but I suppose it can be left alone. It’s really niche though.
  • Technician’s hack seems balanced enough.
  • Ensign is literally just a galley officer. Needs reworking.
  • Quartermaster seems fine.
  • Transportation Chief is extremely swingy. Passive 1 needs removed; I feel like if it’s converted it shouldn’t be able to just swap it over to a better alien when it’s already a massively powerful role.
  • Dead > < Alive ability would be fine if Passive 1 is removed I think
  • Role swap is fine as well even if it’s a parity cop in a sense

oh I completely forgot the alien roles and passengers

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