[Balance Talk] Fixing Airlock, if possible

predator isn’t swingy at all
informant is the only warrior that wins upon secret destination, town can just rush it

I feel like the way you balance this setup is by guaranteeing the Aliens get at least one convert

You could change so it has to use it’s 3 abilities bfore using the same again

So it would average 1 per warp

if there’s a navigator and a quartermaster when an informant drops, scum is fucked

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which is why I was thinking that maybe Queen getting a refund if her ability fails would be a good idea
But also nerfing Biologist’s convert cap

Right now converts range from

0 <-> 4 basically

I’d rather it be 1 <-> 2 per game

… Wait.

Nah. This is fine. Imagine a ship-aligned Predator because of Transporter Chief.

…? What do you mean by this?

Okay, so
I think that Queen’s secondary warp ability definitely needs a buff if she’s the only Alien alive at the start of the game without an Ambassador @N.1

Like, swingyness of converts
Rather than have some games 0 converts, some games 4 converts
I’d rather have at least one guaranteed to maybe 2

I know, but I wanna see Queen struggle and rage…

usually, in a queen game, i’ll at least put either ambassador or sympath in there
you can have ambassador without both main factions just to have an extra scum member, you know

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I’m used to Queen being not the only member on the team
But if she’s the only member present at the start she definitely needs to be able to convert at least twice (?)
Maybe Biologist gets an extra +1 convert potential

…can’t we just add a limit of five aliens maximum, and another mechanic where the aliens can get a free conversion at Warp Phase 2?

the issue is
town will know if it’s a warrior or parasite game at the end of warp 1
so they’ll basically never nolynch

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predator is
quite literally
the only class that can kill during warp phase

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Biologist (Difficulty Class on a D6 Murder Attempt: 6)
Day Ability 1: Choose a player. Draw blood from them to determine whether or not they are an alien class or infected. You will receive the results at the end of the day.
Day Ability 2 (Once per game only): Choose a player. Infect them, making them alien-aligned and giving them the :radioactive: passive.
Day Ability 3 (Once per game only): Choose a player. If they were infected by either you, the Queen, or the Reanimator, they will lose their :radioactive: passive and become Ship-aligned.

Queen :biohazard: (Difficulty Class on a D6 Murder Attempt: 4)
Passive 1 : If the Parasite faction is in the game, you will be its only member at the start of the game.
Warp Ability 1 (Starting Queen with no allies; two uses, otherwise one) : Select a player and infect them. They will retain their old role, but will now be alien-aligned. The player you infect with this ability now has the :radioactive: passive for good unless they are ever cured by the Biologist. This effect is the only thing that can be cured by the Biologist outside of the Reanimator’s ability and the Biologist’s own infections. This ability is refunded if it fails.
Warp Ability 2 (Only usable when no one died via airlock on the most recent day) : Choose a player. Their alignment will change to alien, if they are not already alien-aligned, and their role will change to one of the four Parasite roles.

These are the changes I definitely suggest, I’m tentative about the other ones


Hacking is not considered a fail btw