[Balance Talk] Fixing Airlock, if possible

An eye for an eye, really

@KyoDaz please give thoughts on the Other Aliens.

Ambassador is absolutely fine I think
It’s presence in the game brings massive gameplay change
Sympathizer I feel like should only be used in Hybrid/Pet/Biologist setups without Queen, really
As a last resort of balancing the checks when a Queen’s converts aren’t avaliable


I am not saying that this won’t be the case most of the time, but I deny the impossibility of a smartass Predator who could win without killing anyone on the first Warp Phase.

I understand your worries given that we had our first Queen get occ’ed by the Galley Officer, and I approve of giving the Queen a bit more buff by giving her two charges.

But please realize that the Queen won’t be useless if their first attempt fails. She just… has more trouble convincing everyone she is part of the crew. It is unfair as hell, but I want to see it nonetheless.

If and only if the game starts with an Ambassador-less and Informant-less game… only then will I agree that not killing on the first Warp Phase is a dumb move.

I think if we buff the Queen’s convert potential then the greenchecks strength start falling apart
So I don’t think Sympathizer is needed that much
It’s more of a role that you’d use if you wanted to run a full warrior setup

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OH! On Sympathizer.
Is Sympathizer’s crew role randomised? Or is that selected?

host-chosen, at least currently

Okay, that’s good
Because a Sympathizer w/ full warrior setup that’s got transportation chief to get biologist for converts would be slighly concerning

Which is… who? Pet, Hybrid and Engineer?
None of them can detect :radioactive: so those roles are somewhat useless to a certain degree.

Hold up. Aren’t we talking about the limitations of the Biologist’s daycop? I agree if we limit the Biologist’s conversion and anti-conversion, but I don’t want a limited daycop. (Nor do I want the results to come at Night Phase for that matter…)

… Biologist’s first ability.

This is Biologist’s cop

(This is infinite in the current version)

This is Biologists’ better cop that cures converts; because people are going to claim they were just cured
the only drawback is it can’t cure OG aliens
Which isn’t really a problem if only Queen randed

This isn’t in the OG version as well

• I still disagree to give the Biologist the answer at EOD instead of immediately. Personal bias.
• Once again, I have no qualms whatsoever with capping the third ability, since that ability is useless if used to a starting alien.

You could link bioligist abilities

So 2 can only be used once until ability 3 is used and vice versa

If only Queen randed this makes the game potentially end D1 through a redcheck
It actually doubles the game ending D1’s chances

because they have the D1 jettison to hit Queen
Then they have the redcheck from biologist

And you could convert Biologist over night before they out their results

Plus even if the predator kills them, they can still out their results when dead

That’s a horrible idea since you’d have to convert a crewman into the aliens’ side in order to cure them again. It’d be a waste of time.

Since the odds of that is low, I will take those chances. I am fine with a small unfairness for the bigger fun. … … …okay, maybe I need to take my time reviewing this. I have too much bias at the moment.

This would require the Biologist to out themselves on D1, which is stupid no matter how I see it.

For instance, in our first game, I only revealed myself as Biologist because I redchecked Moleland. Without the instant redcheck, I would’ve never claimed D1 as Biologist.

Same as above: Predator killing Biologist on the first Warp Phase would require either luck or the Biologist to claim themselves on D1, which is stupid under the premise that we nerf them.

1/7 is not low odds, when you’re considering an entire setup going to shambles for 1/7 chance
1/14 chance is already bad

It just requires good PR reading and good play should be rewarded
And if Biologist decides to claim D1 bad play should be punished