Basic FoL/FM strategy [Town/Village only (currently)]

The catch, no player can be saved from death twice meaning two shots in one night = dead, two shots spread out = dead

This lets scum either have 1 strongman kpn or two kpn that is preventable

Both vig are inf shot

sounds cool, I’d need to know the numbers before I can calculate an EV for it

Nonono. I mean it’s literally just mountainous. So that would only qualify of everyone was bulletproof but the mafia have a passive strongman

Investigators should check lurkers and players who tend to be mislynch bait. In short, essentially prioritize people who are hard to read in general. Checking a wolf read is bad practice as if they end up returning a red check then you’ve technically wasted a night as you could’ve easily nabbed them on reads alone, while a green check on them would have been better put to practice on another player. Checking a village read is unbridled paranoia here and will almost in all occasions net an obvious green check.

Additionally, in a match with framers, lawyers, and tailors in general a suspicious village player will be the priority target for a framing while a suspicious wolf player will likely be tailored, so something else to put in mind.

I disagree, no lynching D1 in FOL is the way to win, especially considering no one has ever won lynching day one in FOL



AtE was our lord and saviour.

what on earth is an omnimiller lmao

What Ici claimed in Ace Attorney Forum Mafia :thinking:
He claimed something that shows up as suspicious to every single kind of check but is town

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lemme dig out the quote

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Including being shown as visiting the factional kill to observers



it was a funny claim even if it made me physically cringe as the host, ngl


and it almost freaking worked

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including trackers
How would that even work lmao
Host basically would have to incriminate you if it were real lul

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Lets put an omnimiller into FOL



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totally putting an omnimiller in my closed game whenever I do that lmao

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