Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Hjasik claimed town D1

Look where that got him


lmao get rekt

Ya fucken got me pal

Ya fucken got me

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That’s…that’s not supposed to be a compliment…

yes it is

He softed. I meant hard claim.

Love ya to mate

don’t talk back to me unless you have more than 1000+ hours in tol

Nah, he straight-up claimed cop I’m pretty sure.

What happened with Marg’s lynch? I assume Marl targeted her with his ability, and she tried to switch the execution?

marg why did you even want to get executed

Eh, I meant claiming alignment not a role.

lmao noobs

She tried to switch the execution but PKR occupied her that night.

I had such amazing logs.

This is sad, alexa play despacito 2 but everytime a word is spoken it is sped up remix version (diss track)

Soul died even though I was on them.

lmao so marg just got destoryed

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get rekt lmao noob

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Invite sent pal

@Kirefitten remember when you said psycho wasn’t anywhere near the top levels of bastard?
