Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Do you even know my party guest infomation? If not I feel like you could be the poisoner of the poison that poisons people.

@Icibalus I have a little time and the reason Celeste isn’t scum (unless you think they are a party guy) is somewhere up there.

If they were mafia they wouldn’t offered me a contract then go back and start to suspect me when they offered it cause they thought I was party. (I can’t explain it clearer I really don’t have time just scroll through my posts till you see it)

Wait a minute, no mafias have poison abilities unless it’s factional?

If they don’t does it mean a fellow party guest poisoned me?

Blue, I was trying to argue that Wazza can’t clear themself based on if people were prevented on Squid or not.

That’s all.

Why would I know your party guest info?

False, they said their class card won’t lie to you or they won’t give you false Ability feedback. That’s the one thing they promised in the OP

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Also ici isn’t scum. Stop voting him

Because I outed it, which means you just admitted to not reading chat.

Actually, Firekitten, an IC reveal technically dosen’t come under the banner of an IC reveal.

*ability feedback

Fair actually.

However if somehow there were masons that would be lying in the OP if they said they were both Town.

Also what class can bleed.

I’m not even trying to argue that we should TRUST NO ONE blindly, I’m simply saying that Wazza can’t prove himself with a prevented feedback.

No mafia classes can POISON so I assume an alchemist style class that can POISON people

Wazza is also merc it’s so obvious.

Ici is town Celeste is town Wazza is merc.

Nuff said let’s move on

Only the surgeon can bleed according to public knowledge

I’m really not certain they are Mercenary, to be perfectly obvious.

Ici ISO Wazza and tell me how he is ever scum.