Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Wazza’s reaction to my “OMGUS” makes me doubt my read on them.
They might actually be genuine here.

they are obviously genuine

Ici. I need attention.

In fact looking at Sam’s fllip I’m now starting to think I was wrong about everything considering how odd the VC is.


Are you trying to pocket me and pull me on your side…? That’s what I’m getting from this.

I saw that. But you were saying why didn’t anyone heal you, and you answered yourself by saying you were standing guard essentially.

So, did you stand guard at all, or not? Because if you did and I quote you saying “it prevents anyone from visiting me”, you’re an idiot.

That feeling when you are being serious and Ici ignores you.

Theory: The claim vig was fired by the NK because the wolves wouldn’t be that desperate to use their kill power.

Ici imagine this.

Squid is scum who didn’t care about sam getting lynched. Look at their ISO towards sam, as well look at wolfy last post yesterday

Ici stop and listen real quick

I have a dying illness

Wolfy was far from a resolved read to be honest.
The problem is that this one wolfy (xD) post contradicts their overall villagery ISO.

What dying illness? Ligma?

What about squid then?

That cant be healed

Until I find my lover

And I have an evil knight after me

y e s

I maintain that Wolfy is likely village but they’re not as locked as previously.

I’ll take a look at squiddo in a moment.

But that means you are claiming party with another party after you what

Y e s

Did you invite me to a party?