Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

you noob head reee

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I hammered someone and I didn’t even know why he was bad boi

im ok with that insult :ok_hand:

stop tell me why u made me hammer him

don’t make me go best mates on you

/unvote @psychoneirik

nope tell me first

Too late sun

It’s O V A H

By which I mean it’s twilight

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No u


no stop /unvote 10102382103213301321828

I unvoted

Sorry, I have been busy

Geyde (Wolfy’s replacement) was lynched. They were:

The Plastic Surgeon

Mafia Support. Converted from the Bad Surgeon
Face change(Night) - Select a player. They will appear as a class of your choice to investigators. - Unlimited uses.
Full-body Surgery (Night) - Select a player. If they die tonight or tomorrow during the day they will appear as a class of your choice. Just make sure to wash your hands first. - 1 use.
Your goal is to defeat the Town and any neutrals that stand in your way.

We didn’t find a logbook.

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You cannot unvote once hammer is reached


Night 2 has begun and will end in 24 hours or after all actions are sent. Please send your actions through your classcards.

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They already died, sorry :frowning:

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This upsets me greatly


All actions were sent. Day will start early. A few flips are coming…

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Icibalus was found dead. They were:

The Paranoid Citizen

Town Social
Definitely Vanilla (Passive) - You have absolutely no abilities whatsoever, but I won’t blame you if you try to check. Don’t be mad if things don’t go your way thanks to your insane paranoia, however…
Your goal is to defeat Mafia and any neutrals that stand in your way

We couldn’t find a logbook

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