Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Next night; all suicides

anyone know if its possible for a neutral killing

Then give me one name if you can, it will really help me, as I need to predict who will die.

I feel so bad for you

I doubt you’ll get another predict off but

PKR, Isaac, and Wazza

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im a party guest so

Then mafia will likely kill 1 or two more tonighr

if your looking for mafia you shouldn’t target me

Alright, although it sounds ominous.

Even better

you know what

Sure buddy. Totally believable.

im the time mage f it im outing my self even tho im nk

yea I killed bleustorm

time mage cleans the body too

Eh… NK claim?

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srory marg I tired to kill you

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Time Mage isn’t possible

lmao yes it is

w h a t night