Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Self votes are allowed so stop posting, a flip is coming…


Margaret was lynched. They were:

The Corrupt Mayor

Unknown Social
Scandal (Passive) - You start aligned with Town, but whenever a member of another faction visits you you will convert to said faction. You can be converted back to Town this way.
Reveal (Day) - Reveal yourself as the Corrupt Mayor and pray that people don’t remember all the scandals. - 1 use.
Bribe (Night) - Select a player. Redirect everyone trying to visit you towards said player. - Unlimited uses, can only target each player once.
Your goal is to make sure your current faction wins

We couldn’t find a logbook.

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Night 3 has started.

Something caused time to fast forward! Night 3 has ended.

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Soulshade was found dead. Their class and logs were cleaned.

Day 4 has started!

/vote Isaac

Told. You. She. was. Mafia.

There’s like what
one town left?

why are you voting me

yea so waz is a party guest

if you were a party guest you wouldn’t vote me

/vote marl

marl is bad

@astand @Wazza vote marl with me

marl isn’t a pg

dangit marg why did you have to be mayor

@astand @Wazza I need you fellow party guest


I need you too