Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Yeah, I just looked through that myself.

Hjasik, why you gotta be so Hjasik?


Yeh Hjasik should just stop dying


Heres my problem with passives, no class we can see has a passive which is odd.

Like, I’m kinda thinking that our passives are hidden

But Wazza just said Party Guests can see their passives… which makes me think Party Guests are immune to any bastard mechanics they have

Yeh we can see passives.

Unless we think wazza is a member of Mafia claiming party guest to avoid being lynched

I posted bastard (guest) info that only I would know

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I have something important to say about my party guest class but it might give to much info to the scums.

I’m going to be honest here, I believe Test the Waters might be in effect or an NK like Siren OR the Mafia class list is incomplete and hiding a converter

I’m going to be honest here, i already think I know every bastard mechanic

When i asked someone what the Bastard mechanic basically is, they said that the Host lies to us, or hides stuff.
So i personally dont wanna believe the Host

Host has the chance to lie to you is infact correct

So Night results or something like that CAN be true, but also CAN be false cause we dont get the affected notifications

This is the only important thing to note and everything else is probably lies

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Okay, lets clarify something.

Direct Truth: TARGET was Not Suspicious!
Direct Lie (Not allowed): TARGET was Suspicious!
Indirect Truth: TARGET was visited by 1,5,7 and visited 4!
Indirect lie: TARGET was visited by 1,5,6,7 and visited 4!

wait a minute, ignore me, rituals aren’t in this, I read ritual mafia in the thing and assumed it had rituals

Was about to say that my class doesn’t have a ritual thing but that doesn’t matter.

hold up, how is Indirect Truth and Indirect lie the same? i read it as a truth both ways cause it says people visited target, and who target visited…

I added someone to indirect lie

The host can not directly lie… But they can do it indirectly. (Have the true result + some fake)