Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Psycho would explicitly tell people about pre-actions if they were avaliable.

And you’re trying to angleshoot action times ffs

Well the wise messages are sending green flags to me so you answered your own question.

Talking about in-thread times is not angleshooting; looking at the profiles is though

It’s like saying, Hey I said this yesterday
Somebody says something about it
Hey! That’s angleshooting!

let me pull up the intersite standard definition of angleshooting off MU

Lemme pull up my conversation with the Council when I got my warning for angleshooting

I wish to remake my point that Town!Celeste would not do things like now. This is worrying immensely, as they appear to be doing the same thing again.

Town!Celeste would just do weird things. Shes making herself look logical and is calm and collected. She claims this is because she is better in a bastard set up, but even then, you cannot trust bastard games fully, and the fact that she made those weird posts about results makes me feel like she might know more than she’s letting on.

Nevermind, I thought that they didn’t really care about you getting lynched and they didn’t actually have a reason makes me think they didn’t really care. I could give more but I don’t have time, but I don’t see them being scum due to their merc being poisoned

However I think you are wrong on Celeste I’ll explain in a second


People change, have you seen my first game I played, I played so and I mean so badly, I kept backtracking at every second.

Advancement man, now FK is scary to play against

Also why does this remind me of undertale references like error!sans and stuff?

Have you seen how many times that Celeste has been town and yet has done really silly things and always seem to be the one who always wants to hammer someone, especially when they happen to be town and give good logs?

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Now look at you, you’re making bootleg versions of Ashe’s readslists!


I changed that also, I now bootleg my own read-list

Thats fun though dont make it seem bad :angry:

Unless it’s Friday…



Ok then…

For some reason, I get a Celest, Waz scum vibe. Despite the fact that Waz claims he is a Merc, to me, they look like they’re sorta hard defending Celeste by saying people can change.

I’m not even intending to protect them, I’d rather them die for game to end quicker.