Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Comes back and sees a bad reaction test


I already explained that my contract ability is a night ability and that I do have an ability like stand guard so I wouldn’t have a rebound ability.

Party Guest Roles (3/5)

  • ClaimVig (Day Focused)
  • Social Message + (Overmind…?)
  • Martyr (Mercenary-esque)

That is if we are to presume the class list in general isnt a lie as well as mafia being locked to the aforementioned classes
(The 8 town and 3 mafia and 5 party guests)

Town could literally lose majority D1

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That would suck, depending on my targets class.

and if my target dies, I know who I’m contracting (If I’m alive)

Also my contract ability is forced, it doesn’t request access which is… weird…

Two of them have already shown signs of hostility but only one may be an NK (Hopefully.)

Do we believe the Social Messenger is Neutral Social or Neutral Special?
I also have the feeling if the Overmind DOES exist, they can tamper with kill direction

social it’s in the name.

Oh a Fautisian contract i presume

Remember, that same Social Messenger is also claiming Overmind

Its really whether do the players call the bluff or do they continue on

Never said it was good :joy:

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But theoretically, why would the Social Messenger want us to nolynch today?

  • A Party Guest can alter the lynches
  • We were pushing up the Social Messenger at one point
  • Needs Equivulant Exchange for abilities; 1 Town for 1 Mafia/Party Guest
  • To generally fuck us over with no reason
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The last point is more likely

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Those were the possible reasons I could come up with. Yet, none of them seem correct

The last one I would do to annoy people

Yeah but you also wouldnt reveal your presence unless you were siding with someone

  • Town can’t kill you and wouldn’t realize they cant
  • Mafia can’t kill you and would know but they would suicide and probably lose two Mafia in one go
  • Party Guests can’t kill you and would know but some probably benefit from you living/dying but cant sacrifice to kill them

Its not really all too effective to just lead town after it

There could be a killer party guest like a neutral killer you know?

Considering my class changed from killer to support though, it’s unlikely to me.

Unless you have evidence of that (Other than the claimvig), I’m not officializing it