Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Oh sorry bout that, I forgot to change. /vote Sam



Player Votes Count
Icibalus Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Sam17z Firekitten, BlueStorm, Icibalus, PoisonedSquid, RagnaroekIV, WazzaAzza 6/8
Margaret Wolfy 1/8
Bluestorm Sam17z 1/8
Firekitten Marluxion 1/8

Ici be careful what you wish for with Psycho

Also why are you unvoting? I only voted since I’m a Matryr

Ici already explained it.

sorry about not reading anything, I just posted my vote when I read FKs message

Also overmind is probably the worst class a person can get (not claiming just saying that it takes all the fun out of scumreading)

Wait how can overmind even exist if psycho didn’t have a class called overmind

>Bastard Game

I don’t believe they would put overmind in a setup

Vote Firekitten

none of the neutrals are in the op

After I buss sam please

Only neutrals that are in the game

*one of psycho game can be in here

it’s also a bastard game

Let’s get this straight.

It’s a bastard game, HOWEVER this bastard game has rules that they can’t break such as that

I’m also a bastard.

Don’t use the excuse “it’s a bastard game” to explain everything cause that’s not how this game works lol.