Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

I’ll take it.


Hey Geyde, you are scum unless you can explain why Wolfy dropped out.


Thats angleshoootting

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I’m 99% sure he dropped out because he was caught and gave up because he dug himself in a deep hole.


Yet we spare Marl

Mark can die later if needs be


Love you auto correct

yeh MARK can die later


Blame my mobiles auto correct xD

Also I don’t care if Marl dies or not

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Tbh, I dont really either

All he does is scream that i’m scum

Which means he cant kill or anything

reveals SCUM!

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Nah just a purse owner not a scum

But hes technically not wrong that I could be scum

But he still wouldve gotten redirected lol

Wait does this mean we know every party guest now?

anyway Imma go lie down in bed since sitting in a chair for a few hours isn’t comfy… oh and by bed I mean my couch

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Yeh… but that means there is no party guest killer…?

Isn’t there a random amount of party guests?
