Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

Ucreate Something with dice in it’s name where I got people to vote solic and ucreate roll after

Mafia town town. I don’t get what your point is.

Also @Sam17z I have a question, what do you think about celeste.


Celeste is analyzing and such it I think they are town because i have never seen them do this before and thus is appears town motivated

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Also I picked it up but I said later I didn’t believe it for a minute.

False they did this in ritual mafia. Compare ritual mafia to here.

You were a Denizen that game :woman_facepalming:

That’s exactly my point. And then the roll after?

Denizen was scum.

I said below I was mafia in that game then I showed you two other games where I was town proving your point actually means nothing.

actually this reminds me hold on.

Im wondering why u even bring up posts from other games? They have nothing to do with this here or did i miss the point?

Meta reading.

Using people’s past actions in other games and comparing them to the current game in hopes of gauging their alignment.

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Blue what do you think of celeste? I have something to post after this.

Also DnD is over, let’s properly see what’s happened instead of skimming.

Celeste has been the most active I’ve seen her, though would you say that bastard games are her wheelhouse and that’s why she’s so confident?

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thanks bluestorm

…I don’t know how I feel about that nickname.

I feel as if someone who’s as confident with bastard setups as Celeste wouldn’t show it if they were scum, surely it makes more sense to keep the confusion levels high as scum rather than offering clarity?


You are unlucky.

Y o u c h o s e t h e w o r s t p e r s o n t o d e a t h t u n n e l

I would die of laughter if you had another gladiator ability

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