Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


Did it for you :hugs:

who claimed scum?

Isaac did. Later said he was memeing.

Then asked for a claim and he is ā€œthe green oneā€ cop

And then when asked for his reads ā€œI will start hunting nowā€

Like I started hunting before him and I am a replacement lol

sorry for commenting on wagon speed
can I vote this?

Are you capable? Yes

Should you? Thatā€™s up to you I have to go but I think some people wanted to sort stuff first

Wouldnā€™t it be hammer?

Anyone missing?

Eevee had the most current vote count

Oh I thought it was a meme

Bin unvoted, so if you vote it will be at L-4

1 Like

Whereā€™d Bin unvote?

Nevermind, it wasnt showing

/vote Isaac

Hey isnā€™t @Marluxion in this game?


Then why has he literally posted one thing since game start?

Lemme get on comp to drag it up

Ladies and gentlemen, Marlā€™s opening (and so far, only) post.
