Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win



dead serious
games with more than 10 people alive are boring

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Wolfy post !

Agreed I donā€™t know why but Celeste is pinging me hard core

When am I not?

Celeste wants people to use exact alignments, FK wants the opposite.

Thoughts on this?

I brought FKā€™s attention to Celeste doing this earlier since I saw FK getting riled up but they didnā€™t seem that bothered - just in case that makes any reading difference.

Last time when I read you as town

but is that not pinging too?

FK doesnt want his scumteam to slip up and reveal who their enemies are

Pinging in this case means like a scum ping.

Unless preceded by the word town itā€™s a scum ping.

Sorry for not explicitly stating I am usually better about social constructs

Mathblade are you an Elf/Dwarf

You messed up earlier btw

And I would claim becauseā€¦?

Just was curious
Wanted to confirm that you werenā€™t chaos but ig that wont be happening

So Iā€™ll have to put you as
Elf/Dwarf/Chaos for now, sorry

And okay? Put me down for whatever I wonā€™t claim unless absolutely necessary. I see so town motivation to what youā€™re doing right now.

I thought you meant they slipped as Town

Thats fine, I dont need town motivation

this post bothers me

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Every post bothers me

See no*

Fuck autocorrect lol