Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

For elves and dwarves I dont see the point tho

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No they can convince their mafia faction to side with them

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Mafia will more willingly side with them Cuz they sacrifised town for them

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I mean mafia factions they are allied with

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Uhhh nani


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Elves with undead And dwarves with greenskins

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You’ll have 2 factions with NK and 1 almighty faction that can destroy
Lets kill the humans.

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Tradeoff is not worth.

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It is

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Outing doesn’t mean jack when the other mafia will simply attack you in your sleep

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For mafia this strategy is somewhat worth.

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Why would they attack town neuts when they can attack other mafias

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Because they wont know which is which.

And humans can claim non human too

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Thats Why they out D1

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We will human Hunt instead of scumhunt

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Good luck with that lol

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If someone as evil doesnt out D1 it means they are gamethrowing

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Outing d1 doesnt help because people can claim whatever they want
Only the three evil factions will know of at least something.

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So scum will townhunt all townies

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Its like Celeste claiming Prince.
Is she prince or nah
Now couple that 4 more times.