Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

Now couple that to 20 people

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Who tells truth and who tells lie, only mechanic results can tell.
Screwers exist to screw with results.

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It will be like scum trying to find Who is town

Is this openwolfing?

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Is this opentowning

We’ll see acrually

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Most effectice strategy is for all not human to out d1

Can we just think why dwarves and elves would give up one ally for their enemy…?

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Because their mafia team will be more willing to side with them than chaos then


I like Hjasik being weird. It adds more spice to the setup.


Why would they side with them instead of chaos who has much more power

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Actually yeah I think imma shush :3

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Because they wont vote with them otherwise

Btw whats warhammer?

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A weird universe where everyone hates everyone.


Is it popular?

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Yeah, it actually really is.

There are also 2 universes - one named “Fantasy” wich is classic dwarfs, elves ect. ect.

And second named “40k” wich is dwarves, elves ect. ect., just a lot of time in future, with spaceships and stuff.
Oh and orcs with jet packs. You gotta hate orcs with jet packs.



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Why are dwarves allied with greenskins

Ehhhh… Chaos Dwarves would ally with orcs :’)