Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I was redirected

I got both.

Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count

|Math| Ici Firekitten Blizer Blue Insanity|6/12
|Firekitten|Luxy Merc|2/12

@overthebin Get your ass in here and vote Math.

What? You canā€™t have both slept peacefully and had a redirect message. Youā€™re only told if youā€™re redirected if you were specifially targeted by a Witch or Strategist, which would mean you didnā€™t sleep peacefully.

/vote Math
Openwolf harder please, Iā€™m enjoying this

Do you know who also dies?

I am sorry :frowning:

I deserve it :frowning:

What happened there

No not yet day just started

Day started 24 hours ago.

We got 3 open wolves.

Thats a feast if i ever seen one.


Vote Count:

Voted Voters Count
Math Ici Firekitten Blizer Blue Insanity Squid 7/12
Luxy Gamer 1/12
Ici Math 1/12
Insanity Rag 1/12
Firekitten Luxy Merc 2/12

So guys basically MathBlade is locktown and we should vote for firekitten

Yes but if we wait 48 more hours we can catch 3 more scum

Iā€™m going to bring two more open wolfers DW

correction: 6

Mom, Iā€™m not feeling welā€¦

I love how the vote count was Insanity there a bit

When I flip green I am sorry

Im so tiredā€¦

How dare you photoshop

Merc how could you :cry: