Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

How dare you count worse than me?

How dare you have a scum rolecard

I somehow always end up voting double

@Kirefitten convert me please

I have voted for the equation too, LockTown Cat


Hey @Sam17z you da man for being on FK, we caught 3 scum thanks to your check

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Scum confirmed


:taskbar intensifies:

I had a party at my house apparently

You know what there’s another alternative

We can lynch Luxy and I can handle Math instead


RRPG Firecat 7.8


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okay then

FK, why deny destiny.

You are a noble sacrifice my friend

Math is going to out word you and you are going to let him live

Absolutely not lol

Math dies here no matter what.

ah I see what you mean

so I can deal with the confirmed scum instead :wink:

Also sorry for this party FK
It was my fault

dont ask me how it just was my fault sorry firekitten i broke the litten chasing cosmic laws