Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

I susd Ici for the Pocketing at the beginning and checked ici N1, who was an ally, i backed off from ici and openclaimed that, and now suddenly i should be a framer by ur means? Weird reaction luxy

But the fact that ragna is so defensive about this when I’m apparently ‘confirmed’ scum just proves hes the scum xd

What are you even talking about? English please

Both of you are legit 99% scum
Just stop lol.

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Im town, those two are scum

No luxy, you are getting aggressive against me now cause u know u slipped up cause i checked you, and i openclaimed all the time

Vigi shoot me tonight and I’ll reveal ragna’s alignment

HA got my N2 result again, YOUR TARGET IS NOT AN ALLY.

I didn’t slip at all your check is fake

Im either framed or ragna is lying and it seems to be the latter by how overly defensive he is. Deepwolf denied

I wanna hear what everyone else has to say

/unvote grabs popcorn

So tell us luxy, how u suddenly go against me since i revealed u are not an ally of mine?

Overthebin surely you are an enlightened individual who saw that I was fpsing



Gonna wait until everyone else has said there part, as I just replaced in.

You have a fake or framed check why would I not go against you?

All the game you were normal and behaved around me, but when i openly said i checked you and you are not an ally of mine you now get pushy against me and claiming im scum, after i openclaimed dwarfcop d2.

I was fpsing yesterday how was I acting normal at all?

whats fpsing? first person shooter or frams per second?