Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

…I feel safer now.

Inb4 WAAAGH and my flip

Is it because your scum? And cant be dayvigged by scum

No, it’s that scum would be doing my job for me.

sniffs around

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I’m thinking of goblins making clothes and wipping the floor
and laughing af


Blue’s clear for now ignoring some absurd gambit shit
still don’t like him

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I think that there are a few scenarios where he’s still wolf but it should be so painfully obvious what he’s softing that we might as well keep him out of the lynch ocean for now.

So then, @BlueStorm who do you think is wolf then?

Gamer sort of assumed that I couldn’t be dayvigged due to the idea that I was scum, but that makes no sense. Aren’t Undead and Greenskins enemies? If so, one team could still dayvig the other.

In short, my heaviest read is that Gamer is one of those two.

With that being said,

/vote GamerPoke

What logic is that, hmm

its very good logic dont argue

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Okay, just from that post alone, I’m feeling a suspicious aura from that tone (I accidently rhymed again, fik)
/vote Gamer

ngl me too
Do we have trials?

…You’re making me reread my stupidity, stop it.

What I just said doesn’t make any sense because if Gamer were one of those two, they’d know about the possibility of still being dayvigged.

I’m keeping my vote on you though, because this flips my read on you to Chaos, since Undead and Greenskins are both your allies and it’s in Chaos’ best interests for neither team to attack the other.

Did you even read what Blue said or did you just see that comment and voted me

Did you hear about trials during a battle, during a war?
Neither did I.


I did read what he said and it makes sense to me. Why makes you seem not to understand that logic?

Also, was that shadethrowing I just read with my own two eyes? :thinking:

Yes because blue himself admited it doesnt make sense. You shall be scumread by me now

You didn’t answer my question and are throwing even more shade without placing a vote on me. Scum detector is pinging even louder