Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win



-Make dead people do actions during the night


what other mafia sites would you guys recommend

MafiaUniverse is great if you have time and like understanding how shit you are in comparison to some of the players there, but if you get a good game there you wonā€™t stop.

Thanks for making me concerned about how Iā€™ll do in Peruvian Potluck tomorrow

If you can handle 12/12 youā€™ll be fine
Theyā€™re not as mean as some people make them out to be, but what they are is ruthless

basically they all play like marl all the time

Am I gonna turn into a Marl if I play too many games on there?

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sips tea :tea:

By the way i didnā€™t see a role cap so iā€™m assuming itā€™s about time for 12 Jailors Game.

If you promise, you wonā€™t come back here. /s

No youā€™re going to slowly transform into a marl if you play a single game
my marlsformation has not complete but itā€™s happening :^)

I played a game there but transformation didnt start pls fix

Iā€™m scared

being marl is a good thing. embrace it. :eyes:

obviously eevee rerolls if thereā€™s not a citizen majority or itā€™s broken in some other way
also in this pelase, citizens are actually fun we promise

indeed. the roles are pretty cool.

Realms of man roles: Vigilante, Baker, Blacksmith, Hider, Coroner, Doctor, Drunk
Tracker, Paranoid Gun Owner, Mayor, Nurse, Cop, Oracle, Survivor, Bus driver, Watcher, Roleblocker, Messenger, Jailkeeper


lmao thats cool. having a class card without it starting.

Ici is more mature then Alice, discuss.

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Eh, from what Iā€™ve seen there you should just relax, act normal, and whatnot. Only thing Iā€™d advise is not to meme or fluff during the RVS there due to MUā€™s meta.

I donā€™t meme in general unless Iā€™m opensquiding

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Which is telling as Iā€™m exactly nine years and two days older than him.

Okay I think I got Rag.