Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


Judging from isaac’s previous games, all he does is say random stuff and call people noobs so I don’t really know what to think of him.

Why did you say ‘Freak, he revealed’?

I’m not sure about Alice, and I don’t know why she’s sheeping me tbh. I’m going to go back and continue reading


One thing is, this seems like a forced ‘townslip’

@Geyde thoughts?

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Likelihood is that at least one of you is scum trying to deepwolf.

Maybe the other as well. One of you should be checked tonight.

That post feels fluffy and relatively unnecessary. I don’t know Alice AI but I would FoS it.

I’m not exactly sheeping you. Read above as I was the first player to notice Insanity’s wolfy opening and now that OTB revealed himself as an IC, I returned back to Insanity as his reveal potentially spews Mercenary as town as well.

Did you iso max and blizer

Did you even read the context on that post? The entire theory behind Ici coaching OTB falls apart by the fact that they could have done it via scum chat.

No, I voted him because his ISO just spelt out “scum” to me.

I’d like a more in-depth explanation of that. Your answer is too generalized.

First off, your point makes no sense in regard to context as you didn’t address the question being asked. Instead you focused on the context. FoS’d.

Second, it does seem like a possible town slip. The exact type is uncertain.

the worst line?

same faction as you :frowning:

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same for alice tho :thinking:

The issue is that the context would have made Luxy’s theory fall apart.

There’s no need for Ici to coach his scum partners in the open like this as if he’s not Chaos then he’d have scum chat to coach Bin.

His opening sent off a red alert in my head.

There is no reason to ever post these as Townies.

And the rest of his ISO is just fluffpost and nothing else.

Then now that Bin is revealed, who is your highest scumread as of now?

Yes but they needed to orchestrate it in the thread to make it feel authentic. That was the tinfoil