Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

@Hjasik why the duck would you do that?

Cuz he is the duck, apparently.

Fix your ping

I donā€™t edit posts @Emilia why the fuck would you do that? Yay autocorrect

Why wouldnt I

no swear in my atheist server :wink:

Can you quote where he said that?

Also rag is town math

Swearing canā€™t exist if there are no gods :wink: Nothing to blaspheme :wink:

Fuck shit yay more curse words.

are you guys still talking abuot me

I actually need to print out some furry yiff homework, so brb.

If u say how i can quote without scrolling hundreds of posts up?

ISO, my father.

Almighty Search Bar

I Can cuss whenever i fucking want to.


Check someoneā€™s ISO through the OP

Hecc you ;-;

You know, we still havenā€™t been in a game together yet

Search bar is better to find specific things tho

The battle of Pie and Orange.