Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

points blade suspiciously

/uses telekinesis to disarm the blade.

Youre supposed to protect me with it, not point it at me :angry:

We have matters to discuss. Any leads my fellow brethren?

Gets sword

Burn this witch.

I stay on that Insanity is scum till other proof.

ORDER! ORDER! /Snaps fingers. Guards shackle this beast!

Anyone who mentions E.W… Begone Thot

What is EW

Insanity hath crafted for me this wonderful shield therefore he is my brethren

Enemy Within. A game where I should’ve followed my crazy, illogical gut

What is Brethren?

Can’t be as bad as my citjr3roll Vigi play. Oof

Something like brothers or friend I think

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/vote Astand

What say you of your foul crimes?

btw bin is grounded from voting without permission.
(You can still vote and I’ll have to count it but don’t hammer like that again)

New court rule: everytime you vote someone, give your reasons/ quotes why.

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Noh. I decide when the day ends. Ree.