Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

But can your shield kill your attacker?

It can he just doesnt know How to

tbh Idk what does the shield do

I saw fire And there was a kitten

It makes you immune to kill right?

For a night?

Just read it. I can use it any night. :thinking:

For one use


OTB better make them WIFOM skills strong as hell

What’s wifom again. The exact definition. :sweat_smile:

hold up bin. insanity made u a shield? insanity said that he followed me that i visited margarete, what isnt true. dafuq

he said it was reaction test

its always “only reaction test” what i read here tbh so i dont trust that anymore

So basically wifom is a state of dillema. Got it.

The fact is that I’ve received the shield tho. Or it seems that I have the shield.

I have leads that either one scum was transported (not Squid/Insanity) or that the transporter is scum

Or maybe both.

Or maybe Alice was transported.

What’s your role?

Why are you asking me to hardclaim?

With leads this specific you might as well out yourself. Lol.