But they are allied with humans at same time
I mean, Dwarves and Empire were always rather close to each other.
It was natural for me to put them as alliance to the realms of man.
Will you do 8 faction setup someday?
Tbh, Warhammer has enough flavor for 25 factions.
Like… you represent 25 armies, but there is easily people inside those armies who can be specific roles.
What about this fella?
He’s actually alchemist in disguise
Random Person from random faction becomes king D1?
Pff, could you imagine
A king with a percentage chance to be any of 6 factions
That king would last all of 6 seconds
No king obviously
The hell was that.
but it would be random Person So he would have same chance of being human as Any other player
Yes i can imagine Day 1 Lynch.
/join if I can still join
that would be fun
thank you
Outing as greenskin
this seems very fun im glad I am in
Okay, roles were rolled. No more talking.
Sending rolecards and stuff, just from phone so may take a while.
no they weren’t