Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

who knew 6 factions leads to a lot of open wolfers

Game needs limited feedbackā€¦ nuff said

Not really lol

Yes really lol

The only time it shouldnā€™t be limited feedback is a turbo

itā€™s perfectly balanced without it you just claimed the wrong role.

absolutely wrong lol

That leaves us with what, 4 more to find?

This is the easiest damn thing I ever did see

Livi, I will make you suffer if you donā€™t answer my sweet question please.

I like this level of feedback :frowning:

absolutely right lol

donā€™t worry senpai I will finally send you my love letter this night

not really lol

yes really lol

like just donā€™t be bad next time

Revive me tonight

Limited feedback doesnā€™t even help you hereJUST DONT CLAIM STRAT WHEN I CLAIMED TRACKER


this litten is lit :ok_hand:

like just fix the setup next time

The weirdest thing here is I redirected you to bin

And apparently bin visited bin