Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win

How? What happened

/vote Astand
Bus driver Marl time

Kill astand today. Always vig Luxy tonight though.
@everybody Counterclaim Dwarf now or forever hold your peace. Luxy, obviously donā€™t check Ragna if you are Oracle because their role should be confirmed unless thereā€™s a counterclaim. Instead, please check our obvious openwolf Marl.
If anybody believes this ā€œIā€™m not reading game let me get farā€ stuff after Overwatch, I feel like youā€™re making a huge mistake. Marl is probably arso or some other roles that does better the longer itā€™s in the game.

A reminder that last night I wanted more looking into Shurian and Squid. From Squid, there seems to be a lot more interest to shadecast then making reads and try to solve. Shurian reads totally differently to me than they did last game and it could be from their business but Iā€™m thinking just that theyā€™re scum.

No u


no u

No me

Yes u

Oh day restarted. Something something bus driver. Something something voting Astand or Livi or ? Something something Livi was suspected for some reason?

Luxy not livi.

Yeah, I know but I was repeating my SoD self.

Deja vu.

Andā€¦ Luxy makes me feel like Iā€™m listening to a broken record again. I really want him dead, but Poisoner first
/vote Astand

/Vote astand

Just going with the majority here Iā€™ll most likely view everything at a later date.

It also makes sense to get the Posioner first

/:b:ote Astand

Vote count:

Voted Voters Count
Luxy Ragna, astand 2/9
astand BlueStorm, Luxy, Blizer, Marluxion, Squid, Soulshade55r, Insanity 7/9

/Unvote Luxy
/Vote Astand

/vote astand

Somebody unvote heā€™s gonna hammer.

Twilight posting, modkill obviously. /s