Battle of 25 armies - Warhammer Fantasy FM - RoM & Elf win


Vote count:

Voted Voters Count
astand BlueStorm, Luxy, Blizer, Marluxion, Squid, Soulshade55r, Insanity, RagnaroekIV, astand 9/9

The hammer has been reached

astand was lynched. They were:


Brother-under-the-fur. Ha! Now you are brother-true. Reject false-words of seers and embrace true face of the Horned One! Bring Skrolk to the Wormstone, and you will be plague priest. Betray, and you become pus-bag.

Lord Skrolk, the plaugelord of Clan Pestilens and Chaos Poisoner

BlueStorm has died of poison. They were:


" There issaā€™ nothing lika da siege for da true spirit of war! When I sit innaā€™ the camp, watching the enginesaā€™ shooting de great big rocks at the walls, and smashing de place up, ittaā€™ warms my heart. You canna keppaā€™ your battles and all that noisy cavalry boom-boom stuff. Give me a ballista and plenty of distance, and I show you howa a real mannaā€™ fights! "

Borgio the Besieger, the merchant prince of Republic of Tilea and Realms of Man Oracle


Night 3 start

It will last 24h


All actions are in.

I will give 40 minutes for possible changes and start earlier if none happen.
Ping so you know about it.



Night 3 has ended

PKR has died, they were:



Truthsayer the leader of Albion Islands and Realms of Man Citizen.

Soulshad55r has died, they were:


" Fear not what we must do, for we are the glory of Khemri and we shall rise again to fulfill our manifest destiny of ruling this world. There are great deeds that remain undone, enemies yet to conquer and raptures yet to rejoice in. So, as it is written, so shall it be done. I, Settra, have proclaimed it - let none dare oppose my will! "

Settra the Imperishable the King of Kings, High King of Nehekhara, Lord of the Earth, Monarch of the Sky, Ruler of the Four Horizons, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Great Hawk of the Heavens, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Eternal Sovereign of Khemriā€™s legions and Undead Citizen

GamerPoke is being replaced due to game integrity reasons.

Blame moderrors. FK where are you, we need riot

Day 4 start.

It will last 72 hours or untill lynch.

my target was tempered with, interesting

/vote Luxy

Bye chaos witch. :wave:


Actually, There is a thunderdome between Luxy and Insanity hold on.

I was bus driven last night. Could that have been it?

i wanted to check someone, but my target was tempered with. so now i dunno who i checked

So, Insanity gave me a sword night 2, and i tried to use it on luxy last night, but he didnt die.

Either sword is fake, or Luxy is the Chaos that is death immune.

why not both

No one claimed being redirected/tampered with yesterday right?

It could likely be both.

Which is still fine.

But we are lynching between the two today.

Can somebody look through Shurian/Isaac/Soulshade spew and give us some thoughts on who can/canā€™t be the final Undead?
I have to leave in like 10 minutes but Iā€™ll be back in the afternoon obvious donā€™t hammer before then.
@Luxy Any claim why you arenā€™t dead from vig?

It isnā€™t both two Chaos are dead so only one can be left.