Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Here is the Augur’s final message

Also to those who may ask, there is no dead chat. Reason I did not make one is because it is not possible to know when Augur would die in advance and if dead players could communicate then it would potentially make Augur get better information

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It says nobody was intimidated. That most likely means that one of the people who died was the barbarian. or they just missed using their ability


it’s limited use so I thought I’d wait to use my other 2 charges

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Well we all thought it was Seth lol


Haven’t challenged yet.

/challenge @Hippolytus to a dance

Wow much posts very active.

we should revive that meme format

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oh my god this is great i’m stealing this

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Of course it’s great
I made it

fair enough

phase ends in 10 mins ayaya

i’m still awake for some reason

2 days and ten mins lol

oh challenge is 72 hours

I think I mixed it and action phase

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I wish.

/duel Jane @PokemonKidRyan


:eyes: please don’t vote me out because of gifts I swear I’ll waste them all.

@Hippolytus I know you’re busy with your girlfriend and all, but could you please take the thirty seconds to /accept and /challenge someone so we can progress? Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Guys let’s spam-ping @Hippolytus