Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

congrats on making it to final 5
its a big accomplishment in the big brother house

Indeed and in BtM it is quite impressive since you have survived past 11 others trying to be the victor.

game on gamers

/switch with Ami


it is gaming time my boy

@Ami switch or noswitch.

everyone else has premium food and ami can’t switch back with app

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Very good point.
Will move phase then.

Be ready for the Final 2

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The final 2 are Ami and Apprentice.

Jane incorrectly DSGd Ami as the Poisoner, Marshal incorrectly DSGd Mist as the Soldier. Apprentice correctly guessed Mist as the Blacksmith.

rip everyone

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There were no deaths to poison, it is Challenge Phase 5

/challenge @Ami to a duel

everyone is gone :frowning:

Ami just lmk when you’re on and we can grind out final stuff all at once


do you plan to nochallenge or challenge me?

I could like literally just end game now because the fate has been sealed.
But I will let Ami do the stuff.

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let me draft up a speech


I will confirm, game will officially end during Voting Phase but like, you two are not court jester so… it will not be skipped anyway so I can just full end game now.

Will let Ami do the speech first.

Court Jester in F2 would be hella jank

like how do you play around it