all yall had to do is not cannibalize each other until me/mist/mole were gone
Like that was the way one of yall won.
all yall had to do is not cannibalize each other until me/mist/mole were gone
Like that was the way one of yall won.
That’s the reason I had to form an alliance. Even if you weren’t anti me, you (Jane et al) sticking together meant you might as well have been.
so yea Jane you did the worst possible option
theres strength in unity and you just decided “fuck that.”
Especially since she had control of all the kill power
I know my EoG was bad, but I maintain that shooting Light was a good decision for me since they posed a huge threat to me.
Only in F4
Yes… which we were on the brink of… your point?
it was rly not
on paper sure
but in theotrical social land it was the worst option
Like I said, I have major trust issues.
Light isn’t killing you unless they 100% win afterwards. Sorcerer positions were shit lol.
yea lol shooting light when his shot is just a suicide play is like a fine thing to do
but like
its a suicide play for him
I’ve only used as a fuck you during action phases on a challenge I didn’t win in.
Posioner and MMA being in a tight 2 man alliance was deadly
I had no idea Wazza was poisoner lol.
Waz said he told someone his role tho
but they were insistent on using a gamer DSG, so I felt kind of forced to
I was going to cancel it reeeeee.
Anyway, yeah bad move on my part.
oh rip. yeah it was fine. I was guaranteed to at worst tie anything that wasn’t exactly fire form nymph
I mean I guess I could’ve lost to CJ